
The Gospel Message

God’s Simple Plan of Salvation — a straightforward Bible tract written by Robert Ford Porter in 1933 to reach the entire town of Princeton, Indiana (pop. 1,800), where he pastored.

Two Ways to Live — The Choice We All Face — A memorable summary of the Christian gospel. It fills in some of the wider story of the Bible and some biblical theology, so that the message about Jesus makes sense.

What happens when a person dies? — Yes, there is a funeral or a memorial service and the person is usually praised, eulogized, and fondly remembered. But what really happens? Is death the end of everything for that person? Do we simply go to the grave and that is the end? Is there anything after death?

What exactly IS salvation? — Most everyone has an idea of their own on what it is to be saved. But do we really understand what salvation, as related in the Bible, is? And what are the evidences of being saved and being lost. This pamphlet attempts to answer these questions and many more concerning this subject.

A Foundation for Life & Eternity — At this point in your life are you standing, spiritually speaking, on a firm foundation? Every person lives out his life, however consistently or inconsistently, on the basis of some foundational beliefs, upon some set of presuppositions that he considers to be true. These beliefs may be well thought out or they may be more or less held without ever having given them serious thought. Whatever your current beliefs are, you need to take the time to give them serious thought because there may be more at stake in your beliefs than you realize.

Why the need for salvation? The short answer is … WE ALL HAVE SINNED.
No matter how hard we try no one can achieve perfection; no one can be perfect in heart and in deed all of the time, after all we are only human. Everyone has sinned, everyone at one point or another has done something or thought something they’re not proud of, something that they would not like anyone else to know about in most cases let alone God. This is part of being human, the Bible says … CONTINUE READING.

Why is Jesus So Important? The saving work of Christ at the Cross of Calvary is the central pillar of God’s redemptive plan. God first showed us the need for salvation, and then He showed us the way to salvation through His son Jesus Christ. We see throughout the Old Testament, stories that speak of Gods deliverance and salvation. As we read we see the plots play out again and again the story of man’s ongoing struggle with his sin and the sin of others. This culminates in the New Testament with God’s grace and His gift of salvation through Jesus and His death at the cross, to pay for the sins of all humankind. Through the death of Jesus and His resurrection we see the triumph of salvation and the offer of eternal life through accepting the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. WAIT, THERE’S MORE!